Word of Mike
Food & Beverage Copywriter
Word of Mike
Food & Beverage Copywriter
There’s an old saying in the world of marketing that says, “Nothing beats word of mouth advertising.”
It doesn’t matter if you’re in the food and beverage industry, entertainment, sports, outdoors, travel, or the retail industry, Word of Mike is committed to helping support those in need by spreading the word about them.
I cook up fresh, up-to-date, content that speaks directly to your family of customers and friends. You’ll get SEO-friendly copy that keeps people engaged, attracts new customers, and helps draw attention to your brand.
As a former restaurant owner (and someone who has worked in nearly every position at a bar or restaurant) I know how much time it takes to properly run a successful business. Sometimes there just isn’t enough time in the day.
You have enough to worry about.
Let Word of Mike take some things off your table to free up your day.
Hit the action word below to schedule a free consultation
For clarity, copy is a fancy way of saying text or words.
And a copywriter is a person that writes copy designed for marketing and advertising.
Copy is everywhere. It’s in things like websites, emails, social media posts, blogs, and more. Its purpose is to spread the word about you and your business.
Word of Mike
Spread the Word
Word of Mike uses copy to create excitement, invoke curiosity, and spark interaction with customers…
Paying customers!
Look around - almost everyone has some kind of device with them at all times to keep them “connected.”
I can’t remember the last time I went somewhere and didn’t see at least a few people checking their cell phones.
People are constantly consuming information and communicating.
With a copywriter, like Word of Mike, you can take advantage of that addiction.
Start communicating and connecting with your people. Spread the word about your business.
Increase your audience through emails, social media, and more
Deliver important information (hours, menus, specials, newsletters, events, etc.)
Generate emails that drive curiosity and provoke a call to action
Reinforce your customer base so they feel more connected
Create landing pages to highlight news, events, specials, changes in policy, merchandise, etc.
Draft weekly or monthly newsletters and flyers that you can print out, email, or post online
Update your website to include SEO content to improve your search engine rankings
Compose blogs that keep customers informed and engaged
Create social media posts that will realistically drive customers to your parking lot
Best of all…
Save time and energy! You won’t have to do any of the writing, researching, or any of that non-work-related jazz.
Let’s get started!
Smash the Action Word below to schedule a free consultation
I’m Mike Graham.
I’m a copywriter and founder of Word of Mike. I have a wonderful wife, 3 kids, and 2 cats.
One evening, my 6-year-old twins asked me what I do for a living, So I said, “I am a copywriter.”
They heard, “Typewriter.” (So yeah, dad is a typewriter.)
Their follow-up question was, "But what does a typewriter do?"
I told them, “As a typewriter, my mission is to spread the word about other businesses and make them look good.”
So any time someone asks my twins what their dad does, they proudly say, “He’s a typewriter that makes you look good!”
“I’m a typewriter”
I want your business to succeed!
Just like it says in the Beatles song, I’ve taken “the long and winding road.”
I grew up working in the food and beverage industry (stockboy, server, cook, busboy, and bartender)
I studied History in college. I became very good at doing research and writing (research, write, rinse, repeat).
Out of college, my 1st full-time job was selling vacuums and air filters. (Yep, putting that History degree to good use!) I began to understand the art of a good sales pitch. It taught me how and why people buy things. I worked hard at it. Within a year, I became that company’s salesman of the year.
From there, I went into technology. (It was originally a hobby, but it paid a lot more than vacuum sales.) I stayed in that profession for almost 15 years and worked my way up to systems administrator. I helped a lot of people stay connected.
I am a successful entrepreneur:
Computer consultant
Typewriter - Word of Mike
I did my own marketing and advertising for all 3 of my companies
I’ve been an advisor and mentor for a fraternity on 3 different campuses over the past 20 years. I’m good at guiding people and working through issues.
I’m an athlete and a former official and coach with over 40 years of experience in teamwork. I recognize the importance of communication. To be successful, you need people on the same page and working together.
As you can tell, I have a diverse background. That’s important when it comes to creating a connection with a lot of different people…
Think demographics. (I’m guessing not all your customers are rich, female, 34-year-old, divorced, doctors?)
Copywriting gives me the opportunity to combine everything I love into one profession.
Marketing doesn’t have to be boring, pushy, and stressful.
When it comes to marketing, I understand that nobody likes a sales pitch.
Because most of the time they are boring, pushy, and stressful.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
To me, good marketing grabs your attention. It should be easy to consume and leave you wanting more.
Add some flair! Add some humor or a popular topic of interest. Bring life into marketing and make it interesting.
If it’s done right, people will pay attention!
Nobody reads advertising. People read what interests them, and sometimes it’s an ad.
— Howard Gossage
My kids love commercials - sometimes almost as much as the show they’re watching. It doesn’t matter if it’s for a toy, an insurance company, or even an old couple walking through a hardware store - they love them and will actually get mad if I even think about changing the channel.
My kids are not alone - Look at the popularity of Super Bowl commercials. I bet you remember several of your favorites over the years?
People buy on emotion. Good commercials make people feel more comfortable with an otherwise mundane topic. People can relate to them. They sometimes tell a cute or sad story and tug at your heartstrings, while others are silly and make you laugh. Some are annoying - but you remember them too. And when you feel any of those things, you’re connected.
And that’s why people buy from those companies.
Nobody would pay attention to (or remember) them if they were pushy or boring.
My job as a copywriter is to tell a story. I want to invoke emotion out of your customers. I do the research and write about things that matter to them. I try to personalize your business and help them see you in a different light.
Your customers will feel more connected and will want to do business with you.
Clobber the Action Word below to schedule a free consultation
How may I help you?
Let’s tell your story
“I believe there’s a hero in all of us.” - Aunt May (Spider-man 2)
Pick a date and time from my calendar below and I’ll be happy to contact you!